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Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:27 am |
Favorite books/series/authors? Books you are currently reading, would recommend to us, would like shipped to your house...
Normally under the label of science fiction and fantasy of course!
-Any and all books in the Dragonlance Saga. Slowly but surely I've collected a whole case full of them. SO good
-The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. The most recent series I've devoured and it has become an instant favorite of mine. Never would have thought a random book from the airport mall would be so hard to put down once I started.
-The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. Another sure favorite of mine. I had the middle book in the series for probably 15 years before I found it again and got around to buying the first and third. Much better that way.
-Forgotten Realms, can't be forgotten in a fantasy book list, even though I've only read the initial trilogy in it. Getting around to more of those.
-Through the Ice by Piers Anthony. I hate reading single books because there is always so much more that can be explored in a new realm, but this is one of the few that I've reread over the years. Booksale in grade school
-And before my memory fades I have to mention THE VAMPIRE LESTAT! Never read any other books by Anne Rice, but if Playboy has a review of it and a few movies it can't be that bad right? another yearly reread!
-And as I'm looking on google how to spell his name and remember what the books were called, I find out that Redwall Author Brian Jacques passed away earlier this I must have had a ton of those books when I was little. A little childish to be reading now but back in the day it was almost all I read.
-A couple of good books that I even had to read for school such as Enders Game and The Giver, but one time only and not tooo good compared to what I've read now(night angel, go read, now!)

Posts: -19
Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:29 pm |
See, I would suggest George R. R. Martin's series, but we all know he's going to pass away before he finishes that last book.
But they're great!
And of course, the first three books of Dune. (Before it gets really weird. Seriously, stop at three.)
- Rys. |

Posts: -19
Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:46 pm |
Piers Anthony's Xanth series, Robert Asprin's Myth series ..both great series, I haven't read them in a while but have been thinking of starting up the collection again. |

Posts: -19
Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:18 pm |
There is a book I read the summer after I started playing Dreamscapes. It's a 3-book series and it reminded me so much of DS. The Deed of Paksennarion, by Elizabeth Moon. Or individually: Sheepfarmer's Daughter, Divided Allegiance, and Oath of Gold. |

Posts: -19
Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:18 am |
I am currently reading the Sword of Shanara by Terry Brooks. My friends have been trying to get me to read the series for years and I finally picked it up from the library.
Also, any Conan book, especially the ones by Robert E. Howard, L. Srague de Camp, and Robert Jordan.
My inspiration for Mobolixx comes from the Elric the Whitewolf series by Micheal Moorcock. |

Posts: -19
Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:47 pm |
The Sword of Ice and Fire series are amazing books, and I've heard the HBO series is incredible, too.
I have to agree with Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, as well. (have read all Frogotten Realms, and they're all incredible. Some get a little slow, but nothing like my next recommendation...
Wheel of Time. I know people have qualms against this book series, because after book 1, it seems to be an exercise in "how many f*cking characters can I fit into one series?" I HAD to stick through the slow books (book 5 is HORRIBLE), but I love it nonetheless.
I'm recently getting into the World of Warcraft books (long time player, and I love the lore more than the actual gameplay), they're actually not bad at all.
I don't remember authors, but the "Sword in the Storm" series was great, and I loved the "Elminster" books, but I guess that falls under Forgotten Realms. |

Posts: -19
Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:26 am |
I liked the Wheel of Time series myself because of all the characters. I know I'm weird, but keeping track of all the characters, what they're doing, and how they all effect each other and each others plans was fun. (I have notes!)
I also liked Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. Even though I've heard some people had problems with the main hero being too perfect.
And I'm working on David Drake's Lord of the Isles series and Stephen King's Dark Tower series.
For smaller series, anyone else read The Book of Words series by J.V. Jones and The Bitterbynde books by Cecilia Dart-Thornton?
~Mialee Falaeme |

Posts: -19
Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:57 pm |
Can't help but breathe life into an old thread about books.
I've been reading a lot of hard sci-fi lately (Peter Watts, Greg Egan, to name a few), and needed a break. So, after having ignored the series for, oh, my entire life, I finally started on Pratchett's Discworld stuff, beginning with 'The Color of Magic.'
Wonderful so far, very fun stuff to read. |
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Posts: -19
Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:28 am |
Currently reading Game of Thrones, but all time favorite would be the Deverry series by Katherine Kerr. |

Posts: -19
Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:48 pm |
GoT/A Song of Ice and Fire is phenomenal, and you'll have some nice supplemental materials to choose from while you wait for the next book. I'd recommend checking out the Dunk and Egg tales, as they are kinda prequels that explain a bit of why Westeros is the way it is. |

Posts: -19