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Fri May 12, 2006 8:18 pm |
So I was browsing these forums to get some newbie-related advice...
It's really a waste to gain any ranks in the Adventurers' Guild? I'm somehow weakening my character as a future guild member if I fight and gain ranks before joining a guild?
How, specifically, does all of this work, and how will I be affected? |

Posts: -19
Fri May 12, 2006 8:51 pm |
Basically, what you're doing is delaying the advancement in your new Guild by one rank for each one rank you get in the Adventurers Guild.
Let's say you gained 3 ranks in the Adventurers Guild and then join the Priests Guild. Spells a Priest could normally learn at 6th rank will then be available to you at 9th rank, etc.
It's not necessarily a waste since every rank gained in the Adventurers Guild will make it easier for you to do your next Guild's entrance quest, or just survive a bit better in general.
Newer players might want this extra strength in the beginning, even though it delays their later advancement a bit. Experienced players most often don't get any ranks before joining their next Guild, since they know their way around and how to complete the entrance quests even at 1st rank.
So, it's a tradeoff and it depends on how you want to play the game. If this is your first character I wouldn't worry too much if you get some ranks in the Adventurers Guild. It really only gets annoying at about rank 100 or so, when ranking up starts getting harder. |

Posts: -19
Fri May 12, 2006 9:37 pm |
But is there a maximum rank? Like if I gain 12 ranks in the Adventurers' Guild, then join a real guild, will I be limited to Rank 488 powers, while the rest of the people who joined without advancing will get that awesome power at rank 500 that I'll never get? (500 chosen as an example. I don't know if there's a real maximum rank.)
Or if I dual-class, which I've read to be possible but haven't found a good explanation about, will I be stuck with 250 ranks in my first guild, but only 238 in my second, never learning that cool 250th rank power? |

Posts: -19
Fri May 12, 2006 10:10 pm |
I think this is the simplest way to explain it:
You can gain 200 ranks per guild. If you join a Guild at rank 8 you will have to rank up to 208 to get everything there is to get in that Guild (for example: increases in spell/skill strength are often based on your rank in the Guild they belong to, as opposed to your total rank from all Guilds).
You can also dual-class to other Guilds, meaning your total rank keeps increasing, but your Guild rank (and, again, most of the benefits that come with it) will start over.
Let's say you get your first 8 ranks in the Adventurers Guild and then join the Fighters. You stay in the Fighters Guild until you reach rank 100 (in total) which gives you all the skills and strengths of a rank 92 Fighter. Then, you dual to the Priests Guild and stay there until you reach rank 200. You will then be a rank 8 Adventurer, rank 92 Fighter and rank 100 Priest. At rank 200 you stop gaining hit-, mana- and movement points but you can still increase in ranks and it will affect the strength of certain skills. So, at rank 200 you're only a rank 100 Priest but you can choose to gain another 100 ranks to become a rank 200 Priest. Although you won't get any more hp, mp or mv, your spell duration and power will increase as you become a more experienced Priest.
Hope that clarified some things. If I were you I wouldn't dual-class your first character, just join a Guild and learn the game a bit. You can always make a new char later. |

Posts: -19
Sat May 13, 2006 4:23 pm |
So in theory, it's possible to reach an unlimited rank? You could dual class and have a 200 rank in every guild, even the adventurer's guild, the only limiting factor being that it would take you about fifty lifetimes to actually do this?
And the only reason ranks in the adventurer's guild are deemed a "waste" is because you don't gain any skills of use, and are just making it more difficult to gain those later ranks in a real guild?
I guess your first 200 ranks are important for your hit points and things like that, right? Meaning, if you stayed in the adventurer's guild for 200 ranks for some bizarre reason, then joined, let's say the fighter's guild, then you wouldn't get fighter-grade hit points for your ranks there. You'd have already gained adventurer hit points, mana, movement, etc. (Which I'm assuming isn't very good compared to fighter hit points, mage mana, etc.) Is this right? |
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat May 13, 2006 4:26 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Posts: -19
Sat May 13, 2006 4:26 pm |
Yup, you got it. And yes, it's pretty hard to get 200 ranks in every Guild. In the entire history of DS only 5 people managed to get a character to 200 even. =P |

Posts: -19
Wed May 17, 2006 10:45 pm |
There is one slight benifit to the adventurer's guild that is often ignored, and that is skills, you can sometimes learn skills from a Guild you would not normally join yourself or even want to join yes you can't learn them to more than 50% but having 50% in them can sometimes be better than having nothing in it at all. In all honesty the Adventurer's Guild is a great concept, I'd like to see the skills/spells cap a little higher than 50% but not at 95% like normal skills to make gaining ranks and practices in the Adventurers a little more benifitial but thats just me. |

Posts: -19
Thu May 18, 2006 1:58 am |
What I've always wanted to see is the Adventurer's Guild made so that it could actually be played to be just as powerfull as any other class. I'd like to see their skills and spells max out at 75% (weapon skills at 95%)and if your in the adventurer's Guild, have it so that skills or spells that need a pre-req skill or spell can be learned when the pre-req is at 75%. I think it is fine how things are determined what skills or spells you get as an adventuerer, but I could be wrong.
just a thought,
-=Froldorf Hazbahr=- |

Posts: -19
Thu May 18, 2006 11:05 am |
In regards to dualling, I'm not sure if this was mentioned as it's early and I just skimmed, but if you go from a caster class to a fighter class, your mana rates suffer. Also, many spells and skills are based on your guild rank, and may be rendered basically useless if you dual out/in at the wrong level. For example, learning disarm and then dualling out at, oh I don't know.. level 80. Or joining druids at level 189 and then hoping to gain one of the spells you get at guild level 80. It just would never happen.
Basically, there's a fair bit of strategy and give and take.
I also would like to see the Adventurer's Guild become more independent. Perhaps this could become more of a tradesman's guild, where if you remain in the guild past level 20 you can start learning economical trades? Players who choose that route could gain exp from things they craft, and basic survival skills like weapons, parry (if available) etc could be learned at up to 75%-80%.
S. |

Posts: -19