Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:28 pm |
Sitting back a small ways from a huge bonfire, chatting and laughing, Kytin felt at home. She found it strange that the only place she felt that she fit in was with the gypsies. She leaned back against the log that was at her back and watched the dancers twirling and twisting around the fire. Pitchers of mead were passed around to everyone, and kept full. Kytin drank hers down with relish and had a few refills.
The drums were so loud, it was as if you could feel them straight through and deep into your soul. She started to sway with the rhythm, and soon she found herself pulled to her feet by a strange man, and pulled next to the fire where everyone was dancing. Kytin let the rythm guide her movements and danced as best she could.
All of a sudden, the music stopped, and a veiled woman stepped into the firelight. She had to have been one of the prettiest gypsies that Kytin had ever seen. Her black hair was very curly and hung down to her waist. The veil covered her face, except for her eyes, which were the deepest shade of green that Kytin had ever seen. Her figure was slim, but with ample curves in all the right places. It was while looking at her that Kytin noticed everyone had backed off and gone and sat down, and the drummers started playing a slow beat. Kytin went and sat down with the others, as entranced as they were by this mysterious woman.
The woman started with a slow step and swayed, dancing ever so sensually. She had a bracelet of tiny bells on her wrists and ankles, and also one about her tiny waist. Kytin watched her movements intently, studying them. As the beat got faster, so did the dancer. Kytin felt her heart pounding to the beat as it got more intense, and couldn't resist the urge anymore.
She took off her cloak, revealing her trim leather-clad figure, and the two deadly looking daggers sheathed at her waist. She stood up and unsheathed her daggers and started her own dance. She twisted and turned, the feeling and energy that the drums sent through her was amazing! The other woman, looking somewhat upset that her spotlight had been stolen, danced up to Kytin.
They proceeded to dance together, and with unspoken consent, they proceeded to put on a 'play' of sorts. Kytin had the role of an 'attacker' and the other woman was the 'victim'. Whenever Kytin danced close to the woman, twirling and her daggers flashing dangerously yet carefully, the other woman would twirl away with such a motion that Kytin was unable to follow her.
Unintentionally Kytin started getting upset. She was a very competative person and didn't like getting show up. Each time the other woman would dance away, there would be a lound round of laughter and jeers. Her heart pounding and her breath coming in gasps, Kytin tried to imitate the womans movements, and twirl around behind HER.
She watched the other woman carefully a few more times and decided to try it. She danced in close to the other woman and saw her start to twirl. Kytin saw her moment and moved quickly, twirling around the woman and.... stumbled over a rock she didn't see, falling flat on her face. Kytin couldn't think over the laughter that she heard and, furious, she grabbed her daggers again and leaped to her feet.
The smug look on the other woman's face, as she kept dancing, was just too much. Kytin took up her 'part' in the dance again, feeling strangely emotionless as she danced her way towards the woman. They danced close together and then danced a few steps away from each other. Suddenly, Kytin twirled around the woman quickly and placed her dagger right between the woman's shoulder blades, and pulled it out with a wrench that sent the woman tumbling forward.
Screams and shouts went up, and Kytin looks up, realising what she did. Men were running for weapons and women were running to safety. Kytin looked back down at the woman and looked around herself. She quickly wiped off her dagger and resheathed them both, and ran over to her cloak.
When the men came back not even a minute later, they could find no sign of Kytin, only the woman laying in a pool of her own blood.... |
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total |

Posts: -19
Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:36 am |
Kytin ran through the woods as fast as she could go, heading back to Keltrath. Her heart was pounding and she felt a strange elation. 'I have to get a recipe for that mead.. I wonder what they put in it... She thought of the dance and retraced the twirl that she had done and put it in the back of her mind for further review. She was nearing Keltrath now, sprinting through the woods.
Kytin slammed into something and fell flat on her butt. Her ears were ringing and her eyes were unfocused. She heard a deep chuckle and a hand grabbed hers and pulled her to her feet. Kytin almost fell back down but a strong arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close to something. Kytin braced herself against whatever it was and tried to clear the fog in her head. 'Mead and running just don't mix....'
It took a few minutes, but her head stopped it's ringing and her eyes unclouded. Kytin realised that she was leaning against a heavily armor male body, and the strong arm about her waist belonged to Norris Songsteel. "Norris! Ah, what.. uh.. I... thanks..." Kytin mumbled as she gently pushed herself away from Norris and took a step back. "Hello, Kytin. Nice to run into you." Norris said, smirking. Kytin blushed, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She looked over at Norris and smiled an apology. "Come.. have an ale with me, Kytin. You seem upset." Kytin shook her head and touched Norris' shoulder. "Later, my friend, right now I have to... well... I need to be somewhere less public than a tavern."
As Kytin walked off she heard Norris mumble, "I wouldn't have taken you to a tavern, lass, I'd have taken you straight to my place and my special brew." She shook her head and chuckled softly to herself. 'That man has no shame, but he is cute sometimes... just sometimes.' After a few minutes of walking, Kytin came to the gates of Keltrath and nodded at the gatekeepers as they greeted her. She walked to the fountain, trying her best to blend in with the shadows of night-time.
When she got to the fountain she leaned down and took a long drink and ate a few pieces of bread. She almost choked when she saw Nicas appear out from behind one of the peacekeepers that were passing by. She walked over to him and he smiled at her and said, "Hello Miss Satoh." "Nicas, you have to hear what just happened!" As Kytin proceeded to tell him about the dance, he kept fidgeting and finally Kytin lost her patience. "Nicas, stop fidgeting and come with me. I will show you the move I learned."
It took a minute or two to talk Nicas into going with her, but Kytin got him to follow her to Diabolus and sneak past the demon gatekeepers. Once they were out of sight of them, Kytin made sure she could be seen by the residents. A knight walked up to her and said "Fiend! You are impudent to even show your face here! I will show you how we treat your kind." Kytin had already drawn her daggers but kept them out of sight and as soon as the knight got close enough to her, she twirled behind him and plunged the dagger in as far as it would go. The knight gurlged and fell over, taking her dagger with him. Nicas looked extremely surprised "Great Gaea.. what did you do to him?!" Kytin was busily trying to get her dagger out of the knight's armor and muttered back, 'I was getting my dagger stuck, that is what I was did..'
She eventually got the dagger out and Nicas eventually got over his shock and awe. They stayed in Diabolus for a little while after that, talking and hanging around the fountain until Kytin was sure that the gypsy people had no idea where she was. After they got back to Keltrath the next day, Kytin set out to search for Froldorf and tell him about what had happened... |

Posts: -19