Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:05 pm |
Day and day goes by, and everything seems to meld together. Kytin sits around the Keltrath fountain, lounging by the edge and daydreaming of anything that came to mind. "Excuse me, miss." A polite voice interrupted her current daydream. Kytin looked up and found herself lost in the bluest eyes that she had ever seen. "Can I help you with something, sir?" She asked, looking at him intently. Kytin couldn't help but feel as if she knew this guy from some place, there was just something about his face and those eyes, and that green hair.
“I am new to the area and am trying to find some food. Is there a marketplace anywhere near here?†The elven man said, his deep voice had a soothing sound to it. Kytin stood up and straightened her cloak and smiled at the man, her face hidden by her helm. “Certainly sir! It’s right this way.†She looked him over again as she led him to the baker’s stall and kept trying to place him in her mind. “So what brings you to Keltrath? Mostly just us adventurers here. It’s the center of, well.. everywhere!†Kytin laughed softly and he grinned at her. He handed over his coins to the baker and looked at Kytin. “Actually, I am here looking for someone. Maybe you can help me, you might know her. I guess it’d be best to start off by introducing myself.â€Â
“My name is Ikerus, and the woman I am looking for goes by the name of Kytin.†He said this as they were walking back to the fountain, and it made Kytin stop dead in her tracks. “Is it really..? ‘Rus! How have you been?!†Kytin took off her helm and held it under her arm. “Gods, you’ve grown! Aaen would’ve been so proud….†Ikerus was smiling up until Kytin said that, and then his face got serious. “Kytin, you’ve been gone for twenty five years. I’ve been worried sick about you.†Ikerus went up to her and hugged her tightly, making Kytin blush but she returned the hug fiercely.
“Let’s go sit down somewhere, Ikerus, we’ve a lot of catching up to do.†Ikerus nodded and followed Kytin to the tavern. As they took a seat, Kytin ordered a pitcher of ale and two glasses. Ikerus looked at her with a worried expression. “I see you’ve done well for yourself, Kytin. I’ve got some news for you, though. It’s Meara. She’s passed on.†Kytin stared at the floor and didn’t say anything. “It was her heart. She was just so old. I was there when she.. went. She asked me to find you.†Kytin looked up, tears in her eyes. Ikerus handed Kytin a rolled up piece of parchment and got up. “I’ll be back in a few moments. I’ll give you time alone to read it.â€Â
A tear was running down Kytin’s face as she nodded at Ikerus. “Thank you, Ikerus…†After he left Kytin allowed herself to cry for a few minutes before she opened the letter.
“Dearest Kytin Faen Satoh,
You were the daughter I never had, and so much more. What happened to you when you were little… you need to learn to let it go. Hate and grudges, they just waste your youth. Believe me, I know. I spent most of my life hating your mother. It is why I took you from her womb and didn’t tell your father… and now you will never get a chance to meet him.
As my time nears it’s end, I find myself wishing I could see you one last time, but I know that will never happen due to the customs of this village. My heart breaks to think of what you went through when you were thirteen, but that kind of stuff happens all the time. Ikerus has talked of nothing for years but leaving and joining a worthy cause so he could protect those that needed it, so nothing like that raid would happen anymore.
His dreams are big, as is his heart. I’ve seen you once or twice since you left. Yes dear, I tracked you down and watched you from a distance. I am proud of you. Oh so very proud. That is the reason I am sending Ikerus to you, with this letter. I know you can keep an eye on him and he can keep one on you. Take care of each other, and be well, my daughter.
All my love,
Meara Windclawâ€Â
Kytin sat there, clutching the parchment. “Oh Meara..mother...†she whispered, “I wish you would’ve come forth those times.. now I will never see you..†Tears rolled freely down her cheeks, and others in the tavern were looking at her, but Kytin just ignored them.
Ikerus came back to find Kytin passed out at the table and five empty ale pitchers beside her. Sighing, he picked her up and carried her to his camp, to watch over her until she awoke. |
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:45 pm; edited 2 times in total |

Posts: -19
Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:54 pm |
Ikerus' camp consisted of a fire underneath some trees. He watched Kytin, a concerned expression on his young elven face. He knew she was going through a lot right now, and that his reappearance had a lot to do with it. She was a strong woman, though, and would eventually recover.
He doodled in the dirt while he was waiting on her to wake up, and on the food to cook. The sun had risen a few hours past and the fish he had caught in the stream that sent up a delicious aroma. He looked down at his doodles and realised he had drawn Kytin's name in an elegant script. He chuckled and looked over at her, to see her awake and staring at him, her eyes bloodshot.
She got up and put her armor on over her nightshirt without a word, and they both ate in silence. Kytin looked as if her mind was a million miles away, and as if her head hurt quite a bit. Ikerus grinned, "Too much ale, Kit?" She winced and nodded. "Hey.. listen, 'Rus.. I.. I need to go for a while. I've got to.. think." He nodded without a word, well aware that this was going to happen. "Just take care of yourself, Kit.. remember to eat and bathe and all that other good stuff." He grinned at her teasingly, and she nodded at him absently.
He watched her walk off down a path through the woods no one else could see, his mind a whirl of thoughts as well. Ikerus looked around at camp and began to dismantle it. When he rolled up his bedroll that Kytin had slept in, he found a lock of red hair. That made him frown, the only person with hair that shade that he had known had been his sister, Aaen.
The woods were dark and daunting, much like Kytin's thoughts. Even though it was daylight, hardly any light got through the dense foliage.
Had it really been 25 years? She had been 13 when the raiders came through and destroyed her life, as well as all the young women's lives in the village. Kytin shook her head even now at the strange customs of her upbringing.
A woman was to never know a man's touch (family not included) until marriage - unless it was lifesaving. If it happened the woman was outcast, and custom said she must kill herself or leave forever. If she left, she would never be allowed to marry, and must spend her life alone.
Kytin sighed as she walked through the forest. The sounds of bluebirds and robins trilling fell upon deaf ears. Tears were trailing down her cheeks, yet she made not a sound, and paid the tears no heed. Her thoughts were completely focused on the past.
The midwife of the village raised her, and called her Kytin Faen. She rememebered those years and how her best friend, Aaen, and her had made so many plans. They were going to marry brothers, and have a double wedding... their children would all be born on the same days, and they would live in cottages next to each other. All the childhood dreams that young girls share and spend long summer afternoons planning.
Aaen's little brother, Ikerus, always tagged along and kept the girls entertained, even played pranks upon the two. The townspeople never saw one without the other two being somewhere near. Such was the case the day that the riders came riding through.
Kytin and Aaen were just coming in from gathering herbs that the midwife wanted, with Ikerus trailing along behind, about the scare the girls with the frog he was holding. Aaen was the one who spotted the first rider and pointed at him, the others broke out of the forest right after, riding hards, swords drawn.
A weird glow came from the blades, making them look very sinister in the afternoon sun. Ikerus ran in front of the girls, the frog still clutched in his hands. He told them to run, and threw the frog at the first rider, hitting him square in the face. Ikerus shouted at them to go away and leave his sisters alone.
The rider never stopped, but kicked Ikerus out of the way, going for Aaen and Kytin. He swooped Aaen over his lap and swung his sword at the village man that was coming to defend the girls. Kytin spotted Ikerus laying on the ground and ran over to him. She grabbed his arm and started trying to drag him away, when someone grabbed her about the waist and started pulling her away...
Kytin stumbled and fell to the ground, sobbing now. She clutched at the leaves and dirt, grabbing fistfulls. She let out a pain-filled wail as all the old emotions claimed her. Try as she might, she couldn't push away the brutal memories of what happened after that. Her lost innocence, as well as Aaen's. The raider's cruel laughter at their fear and pain.
Kytin stared at the smug face above her, saw her blood on his hands and face. She cringed at his touch, but the damage had already been done. She turned her head away, desolate, and spotted a dagger lying within her reach. Without thinking, she grabbed the dagger and plunged it straight into the man's eye. As he fell onto her she saw Aaen not too far away. Aaen was crying and grabbing at the torn edges of her blood-stained gown, as the men leered at her. No one noticed, yet, the man Kytin had killed, but they did notice her, naked and bloody. They eyed her and grinned among themselves.
A few hours had passed and the moon was starting to rise. All the women of the village were tied up, as well as the men. The children were in cages inside the wagons. Kytin didn't even noticed the arrival of the wagons, but she heard the children's cries. Other young women either had already been violated or were tied up with the rest of the women.
One of the raiders approached Kytin, grinning at her. He said something she didn't hear and reached out to touch her. Kytin lunged with all her might and tried to plunge the dagger she had found into his chest, but he reacted too fast. He grabbed the dagger out of her hands and sliced her across the face, making her reel. The blade has barely missed hitting her eye.
He muttered a few words over the dagger, and it started glowing as their swords had earlier. He slashed her repeatedly, all over her body, laughing and cursing at her stupidity. An arrow was shot through his chest, as a bunch of cloaked figures came out of the woods. A few more of the raiders died, but most escaped... yet none managed to take any of the prisoners.
Kytin didn't remember much of the next two years after the raid, because she had wound-fever the entire time. The magic on the blade was strong, and the spell designed to kill slowly and painfully those that it infected. The midwife was very knowing in herblore, though, and eventually cured her and anyone else effected. Kytin discovered that she had been pregnant, and that the babe, a boy, had been stillborn. The midwife told her that she would never carry a child again, because of the infection. Aaen had killed herself, as had two other girls, and the other three had left.
The midwife was risking being outcast for keeping Kytin alive, so it was decided that she would leave. The midwife helped her get to a town, because she was still very weak, and introduced her to a friend.. leaving her in his care.
Kytin was shaking, the vivid memories were too much for her, even now. She was lying down among the leaves and crying. Kytin had spent the last 23 years of her life being alone, and growing strong. She had searched near and far for the rest of the raiders, or any others like them,, but never finding them. She had made friends along the way, and grown close to a few, but she always kept her distance... never forgetting the strange customs by which she was raised.
Kytin's sat up and her voice wavered and broke as she said, "Oh mother.. I don't know what to do. I cannot keep on this way, you are right.. but I've been alone for so long that I don't know how to let go..." She stood up and dusted herself off, continuing her walk through the woods, her mind still mulling over the past, but these memories not as painful as the others.
She thought of all the good times she had had with Aaen, and how happy Aaen was when Ikerus was born. She thought of all the summers the three had spent together, remembered the joy of her youth, and how carefree she used to be. It was during these thoughts that she came to the outskirts of a village, not the one of her past, but one she knew very well, and was welcome at.
Kytin walked into a hut and nodded at Trosn, who, as usual, ignored her and went right on meditating. She sat beside him, and started meditating herself. 'Here is as good a place to start as any...' |

Posts: -19