Tue May 31, 2005 7:40 am |
Many of the posts here are complaining about various things that niggle or annoy them about this realm. This is fair enough... we are still in PTest, so there are always going to be things that go wrong from time to time (and indeed even the best Realm is going to have either problems from time to time, or attributes that individual adventurers dislike).
I would just like to take time out from all my own whinging and say a BIG THANK YOU to ALL the Immortals (and indeed many of the other Adventurers here that have made this place so fantastic!
My only real compaint about this realm is that it's making me absolutely KNACKERED, as I am on here WAY TOO MUCH! Stop making it so addictive!
Please keep up the good work all of you!?!
This really SHOULD be number ONE

Posts: -19