Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:18 am |
The door was marked with a blade. Not simply a dagger, such as was used by the Guild of Rogues or really any other society using weapons, but a tainted blade drawing blood. It was abstract, being carved into a wooden door after all, but still clearly decipherable as what it was. There was more to the carving than met the eye. One could actually tell that the blade was tainted and in the act of drawing blood. It seemed to actually display feelings that it wanted to impart to those who saw it. In the few simple lines, it whispered of fear, death, and evil. Not simply evil, but pure, twisted evil determined to maim, destroy, and most of all, dominate. And it hinted at power, a power which is longed for and on the brink of being realized.
The Merchant had never seen a mark such as this before, and that surprised him. He could not even claim to know a hint of where it might have come from or why.
"I came to the tavern like I do every day about this time," The Myshaudian was explaining, "and it was just there. I've never seen anything like it."
"Neither have I. It's intriguing, it almost seems to be...sentient," the Matriarch gingerly traced the lines with a forefinger and shuddered. "It is more than a simple engraving in a door. It is a message."
"But a message of what? From whom?" The Merchant continued to study the mark, but to no avail. It continued to elude his grasp. "Has this mark been seen anywhere else?" He was answered by shrugs and shakes of the head.
Just then, an elven man in full armor came striding down the boulevard toward the Lucky Lady. He walked proudly, with a chained morning-star dangling from his hip.
"Good day, all," he greeted as he approached.
"Warlord, take a look at this," The Merchant gestured toward the door. "Do you know anything of it?"
Leaning to get a closer look, the Elven Warlord examined the mark. "I've never seen anything like it, it's eerie."
"Somebody has sent us this message," The Merchant stated, "Not to anyone in particular it seems since it is placed in plain view on the most public door in the city."
"Maybe it's a threat to the entire city," the Elven Warlord said absently, still looking closely at the mark.
"Possibly, but if it is the sign of an army or a society large enough to threaten a city we surely would have seen it before." The Merchant muttered under his breath, "I would have seen it before, or at least heard of it."
The Myshaudian leaned in toward The Merchant, "It could just be a prank. Just by some troublemaker who wants to toy with us."
"It could be that, I suppose, but I doubt it. It gives off an...aura of some sort. I think there is definitely more to this than meets the eye. Has anyone seen The Illusionist? I want him to take a look at this," The Merchant looked around.
The air began to shimmer slightly at The Merchant's right shoulder and a tall, dark-haired human stepped out of thin air. "You called?"
Giving The Illusionist a slanted look, The Merchant replied, "Yes, I did. And can't you just make an entrance like a normal human being?"
Drawing himself up, The Illusionist stated, "I am the Illusionist, Master of th..."
The Merchant abruptly cut him off, "Yes, yes we know. Take a look at this mark. What do you think?"
The Illusionist turned to look at the door. He seemed somewhat startled at what he saw there.
"What is it? Have you seen it before?" The Illusionist looked up and seemed just as startled to find The Myshaudian standing right at his shoulder, also peering at the mark.
"No, I've never seen anything like it. That's what startled me so. I've never seen a mark like this. It is carved plainly into wood, but it's infused with some sort of...of power. I can feel it." The Illusionist ran his hands along the lines of the mark, and pulled his hand away almost as if in pain when his finger touched the point of the blade. He looked at his finger but there was no mark. "I will have to study almost has the feel of an arcane rune, but not quite. And it is quite clear that the power was given to this mark whereas runes supply the power themselves because of what they are. If I..." he continued to mutter softly to himself while the others turned to speak on the matter.
"Well," the Warlord began, "is there anything that can be done about this?"
With a glance back at the mark, the Matriarch said, "I think we should remove it. Not the mark, of course, that should be studied, but the door."
Nodding, the Myshaudian added, "And maybe we should start looking for this mark in other places."
"I am sure we will see it again. The Myshaudian, check all the major cities, start with the most public places, for this mark." The Merchant took a deep breath, exhaling and flexed his fingers.
The Myshaudian nodded and took one last look at the mark, scratching his hand as he did so. Then he was gone.
The Warlord's hand wavered above his weapon, as if he were expecting the mark to jump off the door and fight him. The Matriarch looked at the elven warlord's hand and then at the Merchant, who was fingering the hilt of a dagger. Rolling her eyes skyward she muttered, "Men."
The Merchant took one last look at the door and slipped off down the street. The Illusionist was still muttering animatedly and the Warlord seemed to be debating whether he should go back to his guild for a war council or risk opening the door to get a drink. The Matriarch simply stood, perplexed.
Written by: Kaid Evershade
Modified as per request by: Dhe |
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total |

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