Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:36 pm |
While doing some research at the Diabolus Library on goblins I came across a page folded in half and placed inside. It was in a section about goblin’s fondness for mushrooms oddly enough.
The God Wars
????-the forgetting
This was the time from when the Gods arrived upon the world, and the time that they stopped battling each other. Little is known, since Gods in open warfare leave little intact. There are none Alive save the gods themselves who saw this time.
The Forgetting
This is not an age, but an event. After eons of fruitless battle, the gods met, and for the first, and many believe the only, time they all shared the same thought. The wars must stop. Each for their own reason, they vowed that they would never again engage in direct combat for supremacy. That they would forget their old ways. Although individual gods on occasion do battle, it is naught but momentary skirmishes. The world would be destroyed if the gods ever broke their vow and began the wars again. But think thee not that they are at peace, for they still war, but now it is through the strength of their followers that they attempt to destroy each other, for by this pact, any god that loses all their servants, will fade and be forgotten, until there is but one victor.
The Age of Wonders
the forgetting - 9877 A.W.
Following the forgetting, their came a time of great magic and power, since many of the weapons and creatures from the god wars still walked the earth. Devi, dragon, and demon were common . As the years progressed, they were slowly killed off in one battle or another, until but a handful of strongest of each remained. They came forth, each leading an army of mortals, for one last great battle, that had not been seen in the thousands of years since the god wars
The Sundering
When the battle began, there was no place upon the earth that was safe. The world rocked with devastation's most horrible. The lords of light and darkness created realms for their followers, realms filled with their very essence. from these realms they would launch endless attacks upon each other. The lords of the balance foresaw no end of these battles, and launched a daring plan. They lent power to each side, and helped make each realm stronger and more separate. Then when the time was right, they joined their power and sundered the two realms from the earth, placing them in dimensions separate from each other. But they paid a horrible price, for upon seeing what was happening, both the light and the darkness struck at them. The forces of the balance had tied much of their power in the sundering, and the final blasts decimated their ranks such that they had not the power to fully sever the realms, and some gates and ways, although dangerous and deadly, were not fully severed, but merely sealed. Thus began the age of life.
The Age of Life
1 A.L. -4113 A.L.
Upon the sundering, most of the forces of light and darkness were sealed away, and little was left living in the armies of the balance. To their delight, and the chagrin of the gods, mortals found themselves to be the power in the world For the first time in history. Manyfold Beasts which before were merest toys could now grow and thrive, free of constant interference and destruction of demigods and other spirits of power. Quickly the world filled with complex systems of life, richer than had ever been seen since before the gods. Mortal magi, freed to do as they would, changed and twisted many beasts, some into beneficial forms, some to monsters. Of this time many legends arose, and much of the present world was shaped and formed. The forces of the Balance grew strong again, but still were a shadow of their former glory since the greatest part of their power lies tied in the sundering. And in the sundered realms, the forces of light and darkness waited, constantly testing and searching for ways to free themselves. They have finally succeeded.
The Beginning of the End
Fall equinox, 4113 A.L.
Day one of the modern era.
At the end of the age of life, three great cities stood strong in one realm . Sahaelas, Diabolus, and Tyr. These cities were like unto many others, save for one thing. They all bordered on a great wasteland, the very spot of the sundering, where great magic's still lingered. Upon these cities, the powers concentrated their might, since only here might the sealed gates be opened. The cities, each allied to one of the powers, began to war upon the site of the sundering, unleashing more magic's upon that vital place. Slowly the sundering weakened, and the sealed realms began to influence the world again. They whispered words of power unto the mortals of the cities. The cities of Sahaelas and Diabolus, were each brought under the influence of the sundered realms. Tyr alone escaped their influence, and became the home of the forces of the Balance. The wars grew, and the sundering weakened further, until one fateful day. A great battle had erupted, and the powers unleashed by the armies of Diabolus and Sahaelas, caused a great tear in the sundering. The forces of Tyr arose, and repaired the seal, but it was too late. The age of life came to an end, as two of the greatest beings of the sealed realms now walked upon the world, and claimed the two cities as their own. In Sahaelas, a spire of glowing white appeared, and the forever was it to be the City of Light. While in Diabolus, A surge of blackened rock shot up from the earth, and inside it, Xual sat upon his throne. Lord of the Black City of Diabolus.
The Modern Era
day one- the present
The sundering is weakening, its power leaking back unto the forces of the Balance. The forces of Light and Darkness are gathering. Dragons fly in the skies. Lights' heroes guard the day, while horrors walk the night once more. Soon the gates will open, and the final battle will begin.
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